V I N E   S T R E E T 
A Village Of Unconditional, All Forgiving,
Never Ending LOVE.
Feeling unchurched? Over-churched? Anti-churched?
So are we.
Check us out!
H O W   W E   W O R S H I P

Join Us Sunday Mornings

9:00 A.M. Village

Start your Sunday off in a casual, low-key gathering where we share breakfast and chat about Jesus and life. Small groups for all ages – Nursery Available!
This ain’t your old fashioned
Sunday School!
Join us September – May!

10:00 A.M. Worship

“A little something for everyone and a lot of Jesus” is how we worship. Come as you are and experience our energetic, spirit filled service with moving messages and music ranging from contemporary Christian to traditional hymns.
This service is geared for all

Teaching & Preachings

We teach and preach a Jesus that is real and authentic … Taken straight from the gospels with no biased or politics attached. Whether you’re an active participant or a “fly on the wall” listener, we have something for you.
Check out our calendar and see what
interests you!
B I G  I D E A 
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15).
Pastor Bob
C H U R C H   M E D I A

Recent Devotionals

August 2022

JesusStories 21a; Aug 18th

“JesusStories 21a; Aug 18th”.

JesusStories 20b; Aug 17th

“JesusStories 20b; Aug 17th”.

JesusStories 20a; Aug 16th

“JesusStories 20a; Aug 16th”.

JesusStories 19b; Aug 15th

“JesusStories 19b; Aug 15th”.

JesusStories 19a; Aug 12th

“JesusStories 19a; Aug 12th”.

JesusStories 18b; Aug 11th

“JesusStories 18b; Aug 11th”.

JesusStories 17c; Aug 9th

“JesusStories 17c; Aug 9th”.

JesusStories 17c; Aug 9th

“JesusStories 17c; Aug 9th”.

JesusStories 17b; Aug 8th

“JesusStories 17b; Aug 8th”.

JesusStories 17; Aug 5th

“JesusStories 17; Aug 5th”.

F R O M   T H E   B L O G

Recent Posts

Growing Plans

Some ideas and options to consider for your new “growth strategy” with Jesus

          Where is your next “on ramp” to grow deeper into love with Jesus? Here are some ideas for thought. Please take a look. Consider which one’s appeal to you. Come up with some of your own ideas.

  • Podcast Club – individuals watch the same podcast about a chosen topic and then gather periodically (biweekly; monthly; etc.) to discuss and share.
  • The Outsiders – a modified weekly “worship service” held at a setting outside of church and at a time convenient to attendees (e.g.: Sunday evening).
  • Parents Night Out – Volunteers will care for toddlers, children and youth one evening a month (Friday or Saturday) so that parents can enjoy a “night out” alone together.
  • 12-Step/Support Groups – a confidential and safe group to share experiences, strength and hope with others who have or are currently going through the same challenges of everyday life.
  • VSCC Podcasts – Podcasts (biweekly; monthly, etc.) from us that could cover a range of topics or formats. (alternative platforms could include YouTube or Zoom.
  • Youth Excursions – monthly or bimonthly trips to concerts; events; interesting sites, movies and a meal, sporting event, etc.
  • Daily Devotions – a daily offering of spiritual support that could pertain to the period of the Christian year (e.g.; Advent) or a book of the Bible or just a short spiritual listen for the day.
  • Prayer Hikes – weather permitting, a monthly walk in the woods (or somewhere else) together in the glory of God’s creation.
  • Movie Night – monthly movie and snacks (popcorn!) at church. Movies could be for popular entertainment; documentaries; or religious-themed.
  • Retreat – overnight excursion to interesting or desirable location for respite, fellowship and spiritual growth.
  • Sunday Morning “Village” – an organized gathering on Sundays before the worship service to teach, craft, share, eat, etc. (ideas welcome!)
  • Weekly Sit – a gathering of folks to come together and decompress. A shared time of quiet, solitude, silence, and “sitting” for the hyperactive, the strung out, the exhausted, and you!
  • Bible Study – a weekly; biweekly; or monthly group that studies a book of the Bible or contemporary biblical issues and meets wherever is most convenient to attendees (homes; coffee shop; church, etc.).
  • “Jocks for Jesus” – a regular gathering of youth and coaches from our area with a focus on faith and sports (speakers; food; competition; etc.).

Most importantly, what are your ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?

Which days and times would be most convenient for you?

What is your greatest spiritual need right now?

What is one thing VSCC could offer that would help you most?

Please share your thoughts with me and with others. Let’s see where God opens up the next doors for us …

           In His service, Pastor Bob <><


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The Four Questions that can Change Your Life

                Last Sunday was a glorious day of celebration at VSCC, as Will Hilligoss was baptized in front of many friends and family members. In the service on Sunday, I mentioned the “path” that Will and I took to prepare us for this special day. We met several times on Monday and Wednesday afternoons to discuss Will’s heart for God, and God’s plans for him.

Of course, this teaching was based on the role that Jesus has in Will’s life. And, based on that, what Will’s response is to the sacrifice that Jesus made for him. We began by examining 4 questions that Jesus asks His disciples in the Gospels. These questions are the foundation of any life with Jesus. How you answer these 4 questions indicates your readiness to turn your life over to Jesus. Here are the 4 questions of Jesus:

  • John 1:38: This is the first question Jesus asks the disciples. In this case, 2 of John the Baptist’s disciples have started to follow Jesus (literally). One of these disciples is Andrew. The other is unnamed. Perhaps that is you! As you and Andrew approach Jesus from behind, He stops. He turns around and asks these 2 seekers this universal and eternal question: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? If you’re not looking for a power greater than yourself; the one true God who made heaven and earth; your Creator, who today you want to turn your life over to — if you’re not looking for this in your life, then there’s no sense following Jesus.
  • Matthew 16:15: In this story, Jesus and His disciples have been together for a while now. It appears to Jesus that these young Jewish men who are following Him are sincere and committed to Him. So, Jesus asks them the next critical question in their journey with Him: WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? People have many names for Jesus, and they’re all good and comforting. Many people call Jesus by many names. It’s at this point that Jesus needs to know if those disciples, like you, really know who He actually is. He asks them who others say He is. Several options are offered by the disciples. But then He turns directly to them and asks this important question. Why? Because sometimes when we think we’re following Jesus, we’re really just following a name, or a hope, or a figment of our imagination. Jesus needs to know, and needs you to know, that He is the true Son of God, the savior that we have been waiting for, the Messiah, or, as Peter responds, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Where else would we go?” If you don’t know who Jesus is, then you’re not following Him.
  • Mark 10:51: Here, Jesus and His disciples are nearing the end of their time together as they “turn and head to Jerusalem.” On their way, they pass through the town of Jericho, and there, on the edge of town, sits the town beggar Bartimaeus, who is not just poor, but blind as well. When Bartimaeus embarrasses the crowd waiting for Jesus by shouting out to Him, Jesus hears Bartimaeus and calls him to Him. Excited for Bartimaeus now, the crowd helps him find his way to Jesus. When he approaches Jesus, Jesus has but one question for this poor old blind beggar from Jericho: WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU? Jesus needs to know if we understand that He’s not here to tweak our lives or solve some of our little discomforts. Jesus is here to change our life from inside out. Are you in for that? Are you all in? Jesus wants to know what you are expecting of Him. Bartimaeus knows the right answer: “Let me see again.” That’s the transformation we all need; to see Jesus, and His Father’s world, through new eyes … through the eyes of God. And so, Jesus gives this gift to Bartimaeus, telling him, “Your faith has saved ” You see, it always comes down to our faith. How’s your faith today. For Bartimaeus, as the gospel says, his faith was such that he followed Jesus along the road.
  • John 6:67: Finally, we come to the last of the 4 questions that Jesus has for us. In this story, Jesus has just finished a long teaching on the challenges to be faced for anyone who wants to follow Him. When He finishes, most of the “disciples” that were following Him, decide to go back to their usual way of life. His teachings are too hard for many people. Are they too hard for you? When the would-be disciples are gone, then Jesus turns to the few who have remained with Him, and He asks them the critical question that He asks each of us every day in our lives: “Are you going to leave me too?” Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” Are you there yet? Are you willing to sacrifice your way of life for His? Do you have other places to go that you would prefer to be? If so, there’s work to be done within. If not, then you’re ready to join the twelve and follow Him along the road of life.

With these four questions pondered, discussed, discerned, and answered, Will Hilligoss found himself the only place that was left for him to go … into the water to be baptized … but not just with water. Jesus baptizes us into the Holy Spirit. If you have doubts, which is normal, just observe Will Hilligoss for a while … how he lives his life …. on the road with Jesus. And then, when you know God is leading you to this life, ask yourself these 4 questions, and see where God may take you.

There’s peace and joy and love on the road with Jesus. Let’s all join Him there …

Pastor Bob <><

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A Day In the Life: Arthur-Town

          Sung to the tune of “Penny Lane” by Lennon & McCartney

(Here is the music if you want to sing along: https://youtu.be/MpUbXg7UQpk )


Down on the Vine there is a barber with the gentle touch

Who knows the hairs of every farmer all around

In and out, all day long, they go, just to get a mow,

And hope it grows …


Further down on the block is a flower shop

With every fudge you’d have desire to consume

And the flower girl never lacks, for a happy smile

All the while



Arthur town is in my eyes and in my heart

Fragrant in a way that smells so tart

I sit, and meanwhile back…


  On Vine, further down, there is an artist’s shop

With every art you’d have the need to ever want

The maestro keeps his classic keyboard there

It’s a show a day … everyday…



Arthur town is in my mind and in my heart

Streams of buggies roll around the park

Why can’t it be that way … everyday …


Across the way there is a man who knows his numbers well

He counts the beans and keeps us safe from federal law

He’s a jolly ole Illini fan, and he’s never sad …

or even mad …


On the alley Ryder cruises down the blessing path

From the tracks to the bank, he gives adults the slip

He likes to hand the people so much food

He’s becoming good … so cool … no really – cool!


Arthur town is in my blood and in my heart

Walk to here and there, and back to start

And that’s the way … it is everyday …


Peace to all … and blessings upon blessings,

Pastor Bob <><




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Meet Some Of Our Team

Bob Silvanik
Beth Jones
Office Manager
Karen Good
Our Trustees
Bruce Condill, Kevin Huffman ~ Co-Moderators, Ginny Condill ~ Secretary, Shawn Vanausdoll ~ Treasurer, Jared Blaudow ~ Administration
Church Volunteers
Cleaning Crew
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Address: 249 S. Vine Street Arthur, IL 61911