<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< THE PATHS ALONG THE WAY <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
A compilation of photos taken during a hike on Fish Hook Trail this week, with comments about the different paths we encounter in life.
The comfort & serenity of a wide, flat, smooth and shaded path. If life would only stay like this.
Sometimes the path may look bleak, dusty & dry, but it’s all good when there is sunlight up ahead.
The path can get treacherous, dangerous and very narrow … but the Kingdom lies just beyond.
Life is good! The way is clear and the path is paved with gold! Happy trails!
But it never fails. Just when one path seems clear and bright, you look up and there are so many paths in front of you, begging for your attention.
But no matter what the journey may bring, and no matter what paths you take along the way, it’s always good to be home, wherever home may be!
Peace & Joy Along Your Path Today …
Pastor Bob <><