Oct '20

Oct '20

The Congregation Responds …
Friends & neighbors – 3 of our beloved matriarchs took on my challenge to come up with their own lists of “Reasons Why I Like Arthur.” I offer them to you below. Enjoy!
- I like a town where your groceries from the IGA are carried out to your car and placed carefully in your car.
- I like a town where the seniors are awarded significant scholarships (maybe around $200,000, but cannot be totally accurate on that amount) by organizations and individuals.
- I like a town where the local businesses provide repair in a timely manner.
- I like a town where there are so many talented craftsmen.
- I like a town where the people know your name.
- I like a town where neighbors are out talking with each other and looking out for each other.
- I like a town that prays for the well-being of others in the community. (Personal note: I have experienced this first hand. Others that are acquaintances are still coming to me telling me how they and their church family have been praying for me).
- I like a town where the pastors and churches work so well together.
- I like a town where we do not need to wait in long lines for service.
- I like a town where the products are actually cheaper than at the big box stores. (Personal note: I have used my cash register receipts from local stores and compared them at Walmart, same brand and size, and saved money in Arthur. The added bonus was I saved my time and gas).
- I like our town because so many of the caring people offer their help if I ever need it! I often think what my life would be like if I lived in a high rise in a large city. This town is the best and I’m so pleased you and your family like it too!!!❤
- I like a town where you grow up. go to school, leave for college, and marry. Then. You move away for years, and then life changes for you; your mate passes away and you are alone, so you go visit this hometown you grew up in and YES – you see so many friends here, and, why not, make it home again. And for so many reasons it has been the right thing to do – people so caring, and welcoming, and so many memories to share; My Home Town.
What about you? Why not get in on the action, and email me your “Reasons Why I Like Arthur.” Here’s my email address again: bobsilvanik@gmail.com
Have a peace-filled and blessed rest of the week – and take time to stop, and enjoy all the good things there are about living right here in this very place.
Pastor Bob <><