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A Village Of Unconditional, All Forgiving,
Never Ending LOVE.
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B I G  I D E A 
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15).
Pastor Bob
C H U R C H   M E D I A

Recent Devotionals

June 2021

Acts in June; Day 7 — June 7th

“Acts in June; Day 7 — June 7th”.

Acts in June; Day 6 — June 6th

“Acts in June; Day 6 — June 6th”.

Acts in June; Day 5 — June 5th

“Acts in June; Day 5 — June 5th”.

Acts in June; Day 4 — June 4th

“Acts in June; Day 4 — June 4th”.

Acts in June; Day 3 — June 3rd

“Acts in June; Day 3 — June 3rd”.

Acts in June; Day 2 — June 2nd

“Acts in June; Day 2 — June 2nd”.

Acts in June; Day 1 — June 1st

“Acts in June; Day 1 — June 1st”.

May 2021

Way of a Pilgrim; Day 26 — May 22nd

“Way of a Pilgrim; Day 26 — May 22nd”.

Way of a Pilgrim; Day 25 — May 21st

“Way of a Pilgrim; Day 25 — May 21st”.

Way of a Pilgrim; Day 24 — May 20th

“Way of a Pilgrim; Day 24 — May 20th”.

F R O M   T H E   B L O G

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You’ve heard the old cliché many times. Usually it goes like this: first person says to second person – “Hey friend, how’d your day go today? Then, every so often – but enough to make it a cliché – second person proclaims with a smirk on their face – “Oh, just another ordinary day!” And always said with a good dose of sarcasm. 

The sarcasm is there because second person has just finished a day that was anything but ordinary. It could be any number of things about second person’s day that made it anything but ordinary … but I thank God for the “anything but ordinary” things that happen in our lives. Especially when those “anything but ordinary” things are people! 

There’s a rule I try to live by when meeting a new person, a stranger. It’s from Hebrews 13:2, and it refers to a story in the Old Testament about Abraham and Sara entertaining strangers at their tent, latter to discover that it was God visiting them in 3 angels. I wonder if God is constantly sending us angels and we end up missing many of them. We fear strangers. We’re uncomfortable around them. They’re unknown. It’s not safe. 

That’s why this little rule is so important when trying to be Christ-like.

Hebrews 13:2 – Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. 

Hanging out around the church office, this little rule has come in handy at least weekly for me (and for our trusty “associate minister” office manager, Beth Jones. And sometimes these frequent “visits by strangers” can get a bit dicey. But almost always, the interaction with our new visitor ends up being completely ‘not’ normal. 

That’s when my little rule kicks in, and I ask myself the question: What is normal in the Kingdom of God? And God answers, as God tends to do: “What’s normal in the Kingdom of God is love … divine unconditional love.” That’s not normal in “Burger Kingdom.” 

God continues: “And forgiveness … absolute unequivocal forgiveness.” That’s not normal in “Burger Kingdom.” 

Then God finishes: “And finally, a holy peace of mind and soul is normal in the Kingdom of God.” The world doesn’t understand this peace, because it comes directly as a result of the divine love and absolute forgiveness that God enables us to share with others … even strangers! Again, NOT normal in the world we inhabit.  

Last week, a stranger stopped by the church … twice. Day 1 was Bruce’s turn. His new friend, whose name we learned is Chris, asked Bruce for some help. Bruce gave Chris a hose! Imagine, on this otherwise ordinary day, an unknown man named Chris from Idaho as we later found out, was watering the beautiful garden that surrounds Vine Street Christian Church in Arthur, Illinois. 

Now, compared to Instagram, that may not seem like such a big deal. But hold on. Stop. Re-read that paragraph. No need to comment or judge. Just read it for the story. I can’t read that without seeing God all over it! Do you allow yourself the freedom from the normal and ordinary so you can see God at work around you? 

Chris’s visit with us continued. On Day 1, Chris from Idaho watered plants and helped landscape God’s house on the corner of Park and Vine. Rest assured that Chris also received a generous gift, not because of the work he did (that was work for the strengthening of his soul!), but because he seemed like he could be an angel sent by God.

Next, early in the morning of Day 2, Beth Jones calls me to let me know that an unknown man is at church today and wants to see the pastor. Not unusual. I asked Beth a couple questions. Beth began to tell me some of his story, and it soon became clear that this man was not a stranger. He had been with us before. Like yesterday! And anyway, the sign says that you’re only a stranger once in Arthur. Thus … clearly, not a stranger! 

By the time I got to church, Beth had already had a good conversation with Chris, uncovering much of the useful “intelligence” about his life and circumstances. This helps us get right to the heart of the matter quickly, instead of listening to our new friend who wants to tell you his life story in the next 6 hours, and then asks us for a pair of socks! Praise God that Beth is able to do this!

So it was, Chris had returned to the scene of the previous day’s hosing, and was in need of a little more help. First, Chris told Beth and I about yesterday at the church (Day 1) and the “angel” he met who extended his helping hand and heart. 

As Beth and I sat in my office and listened to Chris talk about his life and his situation, it started to happen all over again to me. You see, each time I apply my little rule of treating strangers as angels, then love, in its God-enabled sneaky way, fills my heart for my newly discovered brother-in-Christ. I love that feeling! And now, I love Chris!  

We gave Chris a little more help, and he refused more. He explained to us that he just needed enough to get to tomorrow, when his brother was coming to pick him up from Idaho and take him and the two children he was caring for, back home. The white van he was driving was staying.  

Not just one day, but two days this time, with someone we most likely will never see again. It happens. George a couple weeks ago. Travis a couple years ago. And many in-between. In some ways, those new friends that were once strangers may be a big part of the reason we are here. Seed planters. 

And often just a day or two to prepare the soil, toss the seed, and cover it up. Rapid Response Seed Sowing! Praying that one day, that one good seed helps to grow a garden of salvation and freedom in the heart of she or he that received it. But knowing all along that “seeds” are God’s business, and trusting that God’s will be done. Can’t you feel the peace?

Life will never be easy for Chris, at least in terms of what we would call easy. And at least not in this world. But he will be ok. He’s part of the family. We’re kin. 

Chris has a spirit within him that is always healing and making whole. It reminds me that the very same Spirit does the very same thing for me. Always healing and making whole, for I too am a sinful person who is not capable on my own of doing anything great for God. 

But then, neither is Chris capable, on his own, of doing great things for God. Nobody is. That’s how I know Chris was an angel. He did something great for me. He enabled me to feel and practice divine love. He showed me what my emotions can be like when forgiveness fills my heart. So, just as I know that Chris will be ok, I also know, because of him, that I will be too. And, yes, so will you. All of us together in the Kingdom of God!  

“The Kingdom of God. Not normal. Not ordinary. Not ever. Praise God!” 

Pastor Bob <><

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Cherryl’s Story

Philippians 4:6 & 7 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to Thank Him for His answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.”

    Many of you have heard my story, but there is a recent event I will add.

    Throughout my life I knew how to turn my concerns over to God, but often I would continue to think about those concerns as if I thought I could fix the problem myself. When I was diagnosed with a rare aggressive lymphoma two years ago, I told God I did not know how to do cancer and surrendered my care to His hands. The cancer was so aggressive I did not have time to think about the what if’s. I let go and let God handle my illness. I had no fear and felt His peace throughout the journey.

    The treatments were tough, but I did not ask for healing or anything specific. I felt secure in His care and the peace only God can give washed over me. I felt a calm I had never felt before.

    Every step of this journey I thanked God for the doctor’s, my nurses, my family and my friends for all they did to assist with my care. I felt when someone was praying for me even though I did not know who it was at that time.

    Right before the pandemic, my friend Therese called and told me about her friend Kendra who was recently diagnosed with cancer. She asked if she could put the two of us in touch with each other since we were both women of Faith. As much as Therese and her friends had tried to help Kendra, none had been through cancer and she thought Kendra and I would be good support for each other. Of course I said “Yes!”

    We communicated through private message for a year, but had never met. We were a great support for each other. We had two different types of cancer with some differences in treatment. She was in her mid-thirties with three young children and I was seventy-three.

    A few weeks ago Kendra and I met face to face for the first time. We greeted each other with open arms. We spent three hours together and will continue supporting each other. The main focus of our conversation was that we had both turned our health issues over to God and could describe the peace we had that was beyond our human understanding. We gave thanks for many of the same things. We both had experienced nurses gathering around us in prayer. We thanked God for putting us together through Therese. We are both now in remission. Although we have disabilities due to our cancers they are manageable. What we learned through our journeys is that now when someone we love is going through a life challenge, we are able to turn them over to His care and ask that He give them peace.

Since this time I have known of other’s struggles both emotional and physical. There is no right or wrong way to pray. I have put each of them in God’s loving arms. I have paid attention to their situations and watched God work in their lives.

    Kendra has written a book about her experience and it is going through the publishing process. I am anxious to read it.

    After I made my latest trip to Barnes a friend said to me that she knows those appointments give me peace of mind. I say I am grateful for a good report, but God has already given me peace of mind.

    My hope by sharing Kendra’s and my journey is that it may help someone with events that come their way. It does not need to be a life changing event like mine. Sometimes I am slow to learn what God has been telling me all these years.

Peace be with you,

Cherryl Conlin

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You asked for it; and Paul delivers!  

A bunch of us are listening our way through the Book of Romans on a daily basis, and we  have stumbled across the answers to these nagging and persistent questions that go  something like this: Look Pastor Bob, I get it about the church going and the Bible reading and  all that other stuff; but I just can’t make it work with my schedule – but, instead, can we just  grab a cup of coffee and you can tell me exactly how Jesus wants us to live?  

 Actually, I love those kinds of questions. So, keep them coming! But way before my  time, the Apostle Paul, who was also in the preaching business, developed a perfect answer to  these kinds of questions. It’s called Chapter 12 of his Letter to the Romans. It’s Paul’s own  sermon about placing your life before God; what that consists of and what that looks like. 

Even better is the “The Message” version of Paul’s letters. Eugene Peterson was a  master at the craft of turning the language of the Bible into language that we could hear any  day in our life today. So, with all that going for it, let’s get to Paul’s sermon, with the answers 

we’ve all been looking for! This is like finding GOLD, people! Treat it well, and it will treat you  back.  

Pause; Take a little “me” time; and absorb these words into your own heart; and that’s  where God will meet you. Enjoy!  

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< 

We are like the various parts of a human body. The body we’re talking about is  Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his  body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we?  So, since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously  functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be,  without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be  something we aren’t.  

If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else;  

if you help, just help, don’t take over;  

if you teach, stick to your teaching;  

if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy;  if you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate;  

if you’re called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be  quick to respond;  

if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with  them or depressed by them.  

Keep a smile on your face.  

 * * *  


  1. Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on  for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.  II. Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master,  cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy  Christians; be inventive in hospitality.  

III. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when  they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be  stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.  

  1. Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with  everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,”  says God. “I’ll take care of it.” 
  2. Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if  he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let  evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.  

I hope you enjoyed these words from an ancient follower of Jesus Christ and a master at  teaching “The Way” and how to live it. Have a blessed week, and hope to see you on Sunday – either in-person or online. <><  

Peace, Pastor Bob

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Bob Silvanik
Beth Jones
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Karen Good
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